CrissWord is essentially a 2-clue mini crossword where there are multiple common letters in the answers.
CrissWord is essentially a 2-clue mini crossword where there are multiple common letters in the answers.
Travel and experience the world!
Guess a word spelled from 5 elements of the periodic table from Hydrogen to Oganesson
The daily #CultureTags game that puts IYKYK to the test.
Solve a new murder mystery every day!
Play the whole ladder from the wordle to the dordle, trordle, quordle, pentordle, hexordle, heptordle, octordle, nonordle and beyond!
Wordle but determine the meanings of yellow and green squares yourself
Wordle without the letter E
Wordle for kids. 3 daily puzzles for children of all ages.
A Pokémon Wordle-like web game with daily challenges! Guess Pokémon based on their attributes!
Wordle for Star Wars
A pattern recognition game